Thursday, December 3, 2009

Leah and Rachel

Genesis 29:20-30
20 So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.
21 Then Jacob said to Laban, "Give me my wife, for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in to her."
22 And Laban gathered together all the men of the place and made a feast.
23 Now it came to pass in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter and brought her to Jacob; and he went in to her…
25 So it came to pass in the morning, that behold, it was Leah. And he said to Laban, "What is this you have done to me? Was it not for Rachel that I served you? Why then have you deceived me?"
26 And Laban said, "It must not be done so in our country, to give the younger before the firstborn.
27 Fulfill her week, and we will give you this one also for the service which you will serve with me still another seven years."
28 Then Jacob did so and fulfilled her week. So he gave him his daughter Rachel as wife also…
30 Then Jacob also went in to Rachel, and he also loved Rachel more than Leah. And he served with Laban still another seven years.

Jacob had to work seven years for Rachel whom he loved. At the end of the seven years, after consummating the marriage, he was shocked to find out that he had slept with Leah instead. Laban had secretly given Jacob his older daughter Leah.

Jacob wasn't too happy, of course. Laban explained to him that it was not customary to give the younger before the firstborn. He then told Jacob to finish the week with Leah, and he would give Rachel as a wife to him too, on condition that Jacob served him another seven years. So Jacob finished the week with Leah and married Rachel, and worked for Laban another seven years.

Leah had weak eyes and was not pretty. Her name means "weary". She represents the law, for when you are under the heavy yoke of the law you become weary and weak. Rachel, on the other hand, was beautiful to behold. Her name means "ewe" or "female sheep". She represents grace, personified by our Lord Jesus, who is the Lamb of God.

I saw this: Under the law, works come first before the blessing -- Jacob worked seven years before he got Leah. Under grace, works follow the blessing -- Jacob received the blessing of Rachel first, and then worked another seven years for Laban. In other words, under the law, you have to work for the blessings. Under grace, you receive the blessings first, and that in turn empowers you to produce good works. This is working out of rest. This is real faith that produces good works.

Also, when you work for a blessing, when by your self-efforts you try to earn a blessing, you will probably end up with something that you don't quite like, that is of inferior quality. But when you simply receive a blessing by the grace of God, it is truly a blessing in every way.

I also saw this: Leah the firstborn had to be given first because the law came first. Israel had the law for 1,500 years before grace (Jesus) came. The Bible says that the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came (later) through Jesus Christ. (John 1:17)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Eating with man versus eating with God

Let's compare three cases of eating with man in Proverbs 23 with eating with God in the Holy Communion.
Proverbs 23:1-3, AMP
1 When you sit down to eat with a ruler, consider who and what are before you;
2 for you will put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to desire.
3 Be not desirous of his dainties, for it is deceitful food [offered with questionable motives].
When you sit and eat with a ruler who has prepared a sumptuous meal for you, be careful. He may have ulterior motives, a hidden agenda. He wants something from you. 

But when you partake of the covenant meal with God, all His motives for you are good. He wants you to prosper and be in health (the body). He wants you to remember that your sins are forgiven (the blood). He wants you to profit from communing with Him. He has your best interests at heart.
Proverbs 23:6-8, AMP
6 Eat not the bread of him who has a hard, grudging, and envious eye, neither desire his dainty foods;
7 for as he thinks in his heart, so is he. As one who reckons, he says to you, eat and drink, yet his heart is not with you [but is grudging the cost].
8 The morsel which you have eaten you will vomit up, and your complimentary words will be wasted.
When you eat with man, especially a miser, be careful too, as his heart is not with you. He is grudging the cost of the meal. His heart has no love for you.

Jesus knew the "cost of the meal", but He paid it gladly. It was with willingness and joy that He laid down His life for you. (John 10:15, Hebrews 12:2) His heart is full of love for you.
Proverbs 23:20-21, AMP
20 Do not associate with winebibbers; be not among them nor among gluttonous eaters of meat,
21 for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty, and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.
Mixing with winebibbers and gluttons will bring you to poverty. Drowsiness will clothe you with rags.

But eating with God will bring you from rags to riches. At the cross, Jesus was made poor, so that you through His poverty might be made rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9) We are reminded of this truth when we partake of His broken and naked body. Our poverty for His prosperity. Our rags for His robe of righteousness.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

No reason for death

Luke 23:22
22 Then he said to them the third time, "Why, what evil has He done? I have found no reason for death in Him. I will therefore chastise Him and let Him go."

When the chief priests, rulers and people shouted, "Crucify Him [Jesus], crucify Him!" Pilate said to them the third time, "Why what evil has He done? I have found no reason for death in Him..."

I want to draw your attention to this thing that Pilate said: "I have found no reason for death in Him." Beloved, there is no reason for death in Christ. And because you are in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:30), there is no reason for death in your life.

There is no reason for you to be sick. There is no reason for you to be weak. There is no reason for you to be poor. There is no reason for you to die young. Heaven and hell cannot come up with a reason, for you are in Christ who is perfect. If the devil says, "I have a reason for you to be sick," you tell him, "No, liar, I am in Christ."

You are not in your sins. You are in Christ. And as He is, so are you in this world. (1 John 4:17)

God's image, justice and love

Genesis 9:6
6 "Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. A life for a life. Sounds fair enough. I understand. But why did God say that the reason for this is that we are made in His image?

You see, God's nature or "image" is such that when there is sin, when there is a transgression of His moral laws, the transgressor must pay or be punished.

Since man is made in His image, the same standards of God's justice are expected of man. In other words, if a man kills another man, he must pay for his sin with his own life -- a life for a life. This is God's justice.

The truth is that according to Jesus, we have all committed murder, because we have all hated or cursed our fellowmen at one time or another. (Matthew 5:21-22) And God's justice demands that we, who are made in His image, be punished with death -- a life for a life.

But God is also love. While His justice demands that we die, His love willingly provided a legal substitute -- His only Son. Jesus satisfied God's justice when He took our place at the cross of Calvary. We shed our fellowman's blood, but instead of our blood being shed as payment, Jesus shed His blood for us and died our death.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The wish of the rich man fulfilled by Christ

Luke 16:19-31
19 "There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day.
20 But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate,
21 desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried.
23 And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 "Then he cried and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.'
25 But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented.
26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.'
27 "Then he said, 'I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house,
28 for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'
29 Abraham said to him, 'They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.'
30 And he said, 'No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.'
31 But he said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.'"
The rich man in this well-known story wished that Lazarus could rise from the dead and go to his five brothers to warn them of their impending doom. He believed that some sort of message of repentance from someone (in this case, Lazarus) who has miraculously come back from the dead would persuade his brothers to repent and thus save them from being cast into hell when they died.

As I was thinking about this story, I saw that Jesus has in a sense fulfilled the wish of that rich man for all mankind.

Our Lord not only raised another Lazarus (Mary and Martha’s brother) from the dead, but in a greater resurrection, He Himself is the perfect Man who rose from the dead and who has a message for all mankind. And this message or gospel is able to save mankind from eternal torment in hell, for the gospel is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes. (Romans 1:16)

The rich man had five brothers. As we know, five is the number of grace in the Bible and brothers here speak of mankind. It was through grace and for the justification of all mankind that Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead. (Ephesians 2:8, Romans 4:25) And His message to all mankind is about the grace of God, which is the only thing that can bridge the "great gulf" that separates man from God.

The brothers had Moses and the Prophets, but it is implied in the story (verses 29 and 30) that they would not hear them. We know that Moses represents the law. This reaffirms the truth that the law cannot save mankind (Galatians 3:11), only the message of grace from Someone who has been raised from the dead!

The last part of the story says that the brothers will not be "persuaded though one rise from the dead". The sad truth is that not everyone will listen to the gospel of grace. There will be those who will not be persuaded by the message of the risen Christ. Nevertheless, those who receive God’s grace will escape the fires of hell and find themselves not in Abraham's bosom, but in Christ's bosom!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A spirit of fear is a scared little demon

My pastor once said that a spirit of fear is not some big, fierce monstrous demon that comes to scare you. On the contrary, it is a scared little demon that seeks to express itself (its characteristics) through you.

How true, I thought to myself. Up till then, I had always imagined a demon of fear as some big, hairy monster-like entity that scares people.

Recently, I found a little scripture to back up the point that my pastor was making.
Luke 11:14
14 And He was casting out a demon, and it was mute. So it was, when the demon had gone out, that the mute spoke
Notice that it was a mute spirit and that is why the man who was possessed by it could not speak. The mute spirit was expressing its "muteness" through the man! But once it was cast out, the man was able to speak.

Remember the woman with a spirit of infirmity?
Luke 13:11
11 And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up.
A spirit of infirmity is a spirit of weakness or a weak spirit. It is not some big, strong spirit that comes to make you weak. This weak spirit expressed its weakness through the woman so that she could not even stand up straight. But when Jesus loosed her from this spirit, she had the strength to stand up straight.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The lie of evolution

I was reading Romans chapter 1 this morning. When I came to verse 23, 
Romans 1:21-23
21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,
23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man -- and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
what flashed across my mind was that of a typical human evolution chart, one such as this:

In denying the existence of God and embracing evolution, has the mind of man not descended into the worship of himself and animals?

Evolution denies the existence of God and replaces the Creator with a man-made theory which essentially teaches that man evolved from apes (animals), and are thus in the same class as animals.

Watch any Discovery Channel or National Geographic programme that talks about evolution and the discerning believer will see the worship of "corruptible man -- and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things". Where is God? Where is the credit due to our Creator?

Evolution has been called by many Christians who believe in creation (instead of evolution) as "the lie". Verse 25 of the same chapter says that man "exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen." Man is worshipping and serving the created rather than the Creator whenever he teaches and preaches evolution.

Disastrous results 

What are the consequences of exchanging the truth of God for the lie of evolution? Look at the rest of the chapter.

Man becomes a fool
22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,
Man dishonours his body
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
Homosexuality and its penalties
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
A debased mind to do all things evil
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,
30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;
32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practise such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practise them.
When man does not believe in the existence of God, let alone the truth that he is created in God's image, what is there to stop him from practicing all these evils? As long as he can get away with it, why not do it? After all, he is no different from a wild animal and is only responding to his natural "animal instincts".

The limitations of sense knowledge

I will end this thought with an excerpt from the fifth chapter of EW Kenyon’s book, The Two Kinds Of Knowledge.
… In the scientific world, man's body has become a laboratory, his brain is absolutely dependent upon his Senses.

He can only know what he has experienced through these five channels [the five senses] from the outer world to his brain.

When he comes to problems like the Reason for Creation, the Origin of Life, Man, Motion and Matter, he is beyond his depth. He can only speculate... here he is passing beyond the range and the reach of the Senses, consequently he must speculate.

It is a suggestive fact that no man becomes a philosopher until he attempts to know something that the Senses cannot interpret.

Hagel’s philosophy of the non-existence of a personal God was formulated because he could not find God with his eyes, hear Him with his ears, nor contact Him with his other Senses.

He was driven by Sense Knowledge limitations to leave the world an orphan, without a Creator, without a Ruler, for he had denied God's existence.

The philosopher is always dangerous when he leaves Sense Knowledge facts and begins to speculate.

Nowhere does Sense Knowledge seem so utterly helpless as when it begins to discuss God, spirit, and the beginning of things.

It cannot see man as a spirit being.

It cannot understand God as a spirit being.

Yet, it recognises that there is a hunger in man after God, call it a God hunger, that is ever searching, ever reaching out for something it cannot obtain through the Senses.

Because of this, we have Sense Knowledge religions beginning in idolatry and ending in philosophy and metaphysics. They all, like Hagel, deny the personality of God…
Beloved, the theory of evolution is a guess, a speculation -- "the lie" -- invented by a man, who in reaching the limitation of his sense knowledge, turned philosopher and attempted to answer, with disastrous consequences to mankind, the question of the origin of life.

Put another way, evolution is like microwave "science" presented by a scientist who studied microwaves using, of all tools, a magnifying glass, and wrote down what he could not see.